In the age of IT, Computer has become a necessity. To cater this need the school has a fully equipped, well furnished and user friendly computer lab. An air conditioned and well equipped computer lab is the nerve centre of computer education in the school to keep pace with the fast changing IT Scenario. The lab is designed with raised flooring to minimize the cable on the floor which can cause a tripping hazard and damage to the cables.
A large number of systems enable children to practically do the programming individually which clears their concept and they become confident in practical applications. Computer desk are kept at an appropriate height and adequate space for the equipment ( Keyboard, Mouse and Desktop) and access by the teachers.
Computer lab is equipped with HP Laser Printer, Speakers, LCD Monitors and a white board for making learning interactive and innovative.
The lab keeps the students well versed with latest technology, all the computers are updated with latest software versions.
The lab is spacious enough is cater the full strength of a class at one go. Computers are arranged in such a way that teachers in the lab are able to easily monitors and access each student.
Keeping in view the needs of the future and the evident necessity of computer knowledge, the school lays stress on computer as a compulsory part of the curriculum from class I onwards. A fully equipped computer lab with hi-tech systems are maintained by the school in the interest of the students.
The colour and the appearance of the walls are such that it helps in creating a soothing environment in the lab.