All students must attend the school prayer at 7.45 a.m. everyday and actively participate in it.
The students must be regular in their attendance and homework.
All students should be respectful to the teachers at all time and must be obedient.
The behaviour of the students towards their school mates should be upright and proper. Any unruly or mischievous conduct may result in severe disciplinary action.
Corporal punishment is prohibited as a rule in this school.
Improperly dressed children are likely to be punished for sloppy turnout.
The parents / guardians are to visit the school only on the appointed days. In case of emergencies they can see the Principal with prior appointments. Under no circumstances are the parents to enter the class - rooms or meet the class teachers without prior permission of the Principal.
The parent's conduct towards the staff is expected to be polite and courteous. (Any misbehavior by a parent / guardian will be viewed seriously)
Complaints, if any, against any member of the staff should be made in writing to the Principal who will take appropriate action in the matter.