A Student can be removed / suspended from the school by the school authorities for any of the following lapses :
- Non-payment of school dues in time.
- Misconduct or serious indiscipline which in the opinion of the school authorities has an unwholesome influence on his / her fellow pupils.
- Unsatisfactory academic progress.
- Prolonged absence from the school without proper leave.
After paying the fees and securing admission, on withdrawals (after 24 hours) one term fees has to be paid. After 1 month, full year fees has to be paid.
A parent / guardian can withdraw his child at end of the year. For this, a request for withdrawal must reach the school office latest by 31st May. If your child attended the school in the month of April even for one day Rs. 5000/- will be charged. A request received by the office after this date, but before 30th June, will entail a penalty of one term (six months) fee. Any withdrawal thereafter will entail payment of full year's dues. No relaxation in this rule is possible.
The rules and regulations laid down by the school should be adhered to by the students. Parents should see that their ward follows the rules. Defaulters will be penalized.