Dashpur Vidyalaya is a successful and well established school. We have made rapid and sustained progress over the years. However, we are not complacent and seek to ensure that the next five years are as productive as possible. As an “outstanding” learning community we have developed our five year vision and we are as ambitious as ever for our students and staff. We see the school as the central resource for learning and support in the local community and continue to strive for excellence in all we do. Whatever your present or future connection with the school may be, we want you to be part of our achievements, working together as part of the Dashpur Vidyalaya community and sharing in our successes. If you are a student, please be assured that throughout your school career we will know your ability and will provide you with clear knowledge and understanding of your next steps. We will support you every day and you will have fun through your learning. If you are a teacher, please instill in the students a passion for your subject and continue to develop your craft. For all other members of the Dashpur Vidyalaya community, please assist in ensuring that we develop well rounded young people in the myriad of ways you can.

"I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”
At Dashpur Vidyalaya we hope we make all our students feel, that they have the ability and support to achieve to a very high level. We work hard to ensure that they have the skills and self-belief to compete and flourish in a changing educational and social environment, no matter how challenging. We work to ensure that teachers deliver outstanding lessons and keep abreast of new techniques and research that impact positively on student progress. Students will be asked and encouraged to ask challenging and stimulating questions about the world in which they live and the teacher will adapt in real time to meet the needs of every student. At Dashpur Vidyalaya we have absolute belief in our young people and we experience on a day to day basis the fulfillment that working with young people can bring. However, we fully appreciate that raising a child can be tough at times and sometimes educating a child can be too. Therefore, it is clear that we need to work in partnership. We understand the demands of modern parenting. By talking about the importance of values such as honesty, self-reliance, and responsibility, together we can help our young people make good decisions supporting and enhancing the work we are doing at Dashpur Vidyalaya. With exciting times ahead we continue to drive “The Dashpur Vidyalaya: an outstanding experience” agenda forward. Our facilities will have been upgraded considerably and we will have a wide selection of activity areas outside. Our curriculum will be remodeled to ensure we motivate and inspire all our students still further and the school will be used extensively by the local community. We are all excited by the journey we are on and hope you find our website an effective tool to learn more about us. Please feel free to visit the school. Students will escort you; after all, it is their school and they know it best. Just call or email; we would be delighted to help.